Employee Recruitment Tools
Black female at Intern QC

Setting up success for HR staff in the QC

Where can recruiters find the tools, they need to land the perfect candidate? QC, That’s Where.

Finding the right candidate is hard enough but finding the right words and images to sell your candidate on our region, might be a bit overwhelming. Let us help you paint the picture and tell the amazing Quad Cities story. Feel free to utilize any of the tools below in your recruitment efforts and click on the 'Talk to Us' button on the right if there is anything else that would be helpful for you.

James Porter
James Porter
Vice President, Talent & Inclusion
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Submit a Job Posting
Members can post open positions on our job board, one of the top visited pages on our site and be featured in our weekly enews, at no cost.
Fact Sheet
Free downloadable graphics based, easy-to-read quality-of-life fact sheet about the Quad Cities!
Regional Messaging
Elevator pitches and longer-word descriptions about the Quad Cities Community.
Top Reasons to Move to the QC
More reasons to love the QC and move today! Free downloadable PDF.
Uniquely QC
Unique facts & history about the Quad Cities!
Regional Quad Cities CSA metrics compiled for you.
Show your pride in our dynamic region and the stats that prove it!
Employer Brand Integration
Visual assets to help integrate the QC, That’s Where brand and QC logo mark.
Quad Cities Chamber YouTube channel for you to link and share.
Need more info to send your candidate? Get the scoop on things to do, neighborhoods, and schools & higher eduction, even job opportunities for their spouse, as well as relocation info.
Sign up for the Quad Cities Chamber and community enews with updates straight to your inbox each week.
Destination Guide
Experience the Quad Cities through the QC Destination Guide and learn more about Things to do in our community.
Map of the Quad Cities region
The heart of the Midwest
QC, That's Where? It's where two states and one mighty Mississippi River are home to a family of communities making the Midwest's future.